Searchable Social Media – My Tipping Point

July 12th, 2009 by Shaun McNerney Leave a reply »

I find social media fascinating but I have never been a big user of it. I have always communicated with my friends by phone, email, and letters. The concept of making those conversations public via the Internet is something that never compelled me to join in.

Everyone talks with their mother. How many of those conversations would you want to know what was said? Social media takes those conversations public. With MySpace and Facebook you could keep those conversations semi-private. Now with Twitter your conversations can be seen by anyone (no privacy) and all of those conversations are searchable. Searchable social media!

The concept of searchable social media is what got me to jump in. I can envision many business uses for searchable social media. I am excited to see how this all plays out. I’ll keep you posted.

Shaun McNerney


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